KiwiApples are specifically grown for NZ on a dwarf rootstock, meaning they will only grow to a small tree. The KiwiApples also have a narrow columnar growth habit making them ideal for the small garden, part of the kitchen garden, or perfect for the half wine barrel. The small internodes ensure there will be plenty of fruit.
Culinary & Nutrition
KiwiApples have a good source of potassium, folic acid, and vitamin C & A. High in fibre and calcium. Recent studies suggest eating an apple can help control weight gain and lower cholesterol, lower the risk of heart disease, and fight cancer. The phrase 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' runs true. Most of the nutrition is in the skin, so the whole apple should be eaten, skin and all.
Growing Conditions
KiwiApples are easy to grow and prefer a sunny position, well-drained soil or good quality container mix. The KiwiApples can be grown New Zealand wide. Prune to a single or dual leader (in winter). They are slow-growing, and minimal trimming is required. Remove any damaged or dead wood and use pruning paste on any cuts made. Little or no fertiliser is required once established.
Incredible Apple Varieties

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