
  • Landscaping

    The vines create great summer shade over a pergola, balcony or deck, then turn gorgeous autumn shades before losing their leaves to let in the winter sun. The attractive grape leaves give a truly Mediterranean effect to your garden. Great for north-facing walls or fences, pergolas or try growing one on a rose stand.

  • Culinary & Nutrition

    Grapes have been positively linked to fighting cancer, heart disease and other ailments. A lot of beneficial compounds are found in the skin of grapes (As only red wine is fermented with skin, there are some additional benefits with red wine). Besides the high antioxidant qualities, grapes are high in vitamins A, B1, B2 and potassium. Eat fresh, add to fruit salad, with cheese & crackers or use for making jam, grape juice, jelly and grape seed oil.

  • Growing Conditions

    Full sun with good air circulation and some protection from strong winds. Grapes can tolerate some salt wind. Grapes can be grown in various soil conditions, but a slightly acidic, deep, well-drained light loam is preferred. Good airflow and preventative copper sprays will keep fungal diseases at bay. Minimum fertiliser is required. Good watering during the growing season will be beneficial. Frost hardy. See individual variety description for pruning tips.

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