Casimiroa, also called white sapote or Mexican apple, is an evergreen small to medium tree, growing to approximately 5 meters high and 5 meters wide. Ideal as a stand-alone tree in the corner of the garden, a specimen lawn tree, or can also be espaliered or try pleaching (Hedge on stilts).
Culinary & Nutrition
Casimiroa is believed to be one of the heaviest-bearing of all fruiting trees. A healthy mature tree can produce up to 1000 fruit per year. Highly nutritious and rich in vitamins, including A and C. Pick fruit while firm and changing colour from green to a lighter green. The skin is paper thin, so hand-pick. Casimiroa is frequently combined with milk to produce ice creams, milkshakes or pies. With added lemon or lime juice, the fruit makes good jelly and also sherbets.
Growing Conditions
Casimiroa prefers a sunny position and will grow in most soils, including clay, but perform best in well-drained soil. Protect from heavy frost when young. They require less fertiliser than Citrus, but an annual Dolomite application is beneficial. Summer pruning might be required to control whippy growth.
Incredible Casimiroa Varieties

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