Bay Trees
Bay Trees are versatile because they can be trimmed regularly and continually re-grow. This lends them perfectly for topiary, pots, and hedges. Great in a herb garden where narrow, ovate, glossy dark green leaves can be picked for use in the kitchen. The Bay Tree has small cream waxy flowers followed by blue/black berries.
Culinary & Nutrition
The highly aromatic leaves of the Bay tree can be used all year round in dishes such as soups and stews or with fish (remove before serving). Both leaves and berries contain essential fatty acids and antioxidants and can be used as analgesics, anti-inflammatories, and anti-convulsants. Oil from the berries repel biting insects, and leaves will repel pantry pests.
Growing Conditions
A very hardy plant that is frost and salt spray tolerant. Plant in any well-drained soil, in partial shade or full sun, and use a good mulch after planting. Prune to maintain the desired shape regularly. Feed with Citrus fertiliser in spring.
Incredible Bay Tree

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