Figs are very versatile due to their ability to be pruned heavily. This makes them ideal for a large container and a smaller garden. For this reason, it also makes them an excellent plant for espaliering. All you need is a warm sunny wall or fence. You can grow and harvest figs from January to May with our wide range. See our incredible experts page for helpful hints on pruning your Figs.
Culinary & Nutrition
Figs are known to be ‘gut friendly’ due to Figs containing an enzyme called ficin which helps in soothing your gut. Dried, they are a rich source of fibre, iron, potassium and calcium. High in polyphenol antioxidants which makes them a valuable food for cancer prevention. Provide instant energy, and their ability to prevent cramps makes them popular with athletes. They are eaten raw, whole or peeled. Used in desserts, jams, biscuits, pies, cakes and savoury dishes.
Growing Conditions
Figs like a warm North to North-East position, with plenty of moisture during the growing season to produce large succulent fruit. They grow in well-drained soils as well as in heavy clay soils. Can be vigorous growers, but Figs tolerate heavy pruning. (See our incredible inspiration page for helpful hints on pruning figs). Protect figs from heavy winds. Limit fertiliser applications to container-grown figs only (or very poor soils). Spray with a copper spray in winter to keep diseases at bay.
Incredible Fig Varieties

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