Grape Candice Seedless


Grape Candice, bunches of red/amber table grapes with a delicate and spicy flavour. A seedless Grape has medium-sized fruit with large, deeply lobed leaves, is moderately vigorous, hardy and has good disease resistance. Bunches of small green flowers are borne on current season's growth. Adverse conditions at the time of flowering (cold and wind) can result in low fruit numbers or dropped fruit. Harvest is mid to late season (March - April).

Pruning table grapes is a vital practice that helps maintain the vine's health, productivity, and structure. Here are some key steps to effectively prune table grapes:

  1. Prune during the dormant season, typically in late winter or early spring, before new growth begins. This allows you to assess the vine's structure and make precise pruning decisions.

  2. Remove any dead, diseased or damaged wood back to the main stem.

  3. Select the main canes that are well-spaced and secure along supporting wires.

  4. Prune lateral shoots back to main canes. Depending on the area to grow, choose about ten lateral buds. These will produce the fruiting canes for the upcoming season.

  5. Remove unwanted canes that may crowd the vine. Essential to keep the structure open and balanced.

  6. Keep the area around your plants clean and tidy. Mulch the base of the vine to conserve moisture and suppress weeds.

  7. Remove excess growth from lateral canes once the grapes are close to ripening in summer. Remove leaves from around grape bunches so the sun can penetrate the vine to help them ripen.

Spraying with a copper spray in winter and from bud burst, in addition to summer pruning (to allow good airflow), will help minimise the risk of fungal diseases (Powdery and Downey mildew).

Interesting tip; make a rose pillar inside a half wine barrel using wood support so the pillar remains centre and firm. Fill the wine barrel with potting mix and plant your favourite grape. Tie your plant to the centre pillar until it reaches the top. Pinch out the top and encourage laterals to grow around the framework. Feed twice a year with general NPK fertiliser. Water well over fruiting time. Prune back at the end of winter before bud burst.

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