Citrus Bearss Lime


Bearss Lime is a Lemon-sized oval fruit with a thin adherent rind and is a pale greenish yellow at maturity. Greenish acidic, juicy pulp that rarely has seeds. Bearss Lime is often used in garnishes, baking, soups, cocktails and juicing. Bearss Lime, with densely dark green foliage, almost thornless, with a compact habit. It is attractive as a container plant to appreciate the fragrant flowers and fruit, but just as easily grown in any garden situation.

Prune to maintain shape and remove dead or diseased branches. (Remove any sucker growth). Citrus is heavy feeders, requiring regular feeding with a Citrus fertiliser and/or manure (3-4 times annually). Apply a good layer of mulch in spring and autumn to keep weeds at bay and help with moisture retention. Spray alternatively and regularly with an organic copper spray and an organic oil spray. This will prevent insects and fungal diseases.

Our, Getting the best from your Citrus expert advice page, provides more information on Citrus care.

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