Mountain Paw Paw


Mountain Paw Paw has a bright yellow fruit about the size of a small apple but with strongly lobed longitudinal segments. The fruit is formed on new growth and can be eaten as a vegetable or fresh fruit (A ripe fruit contains more vitamins and minerals). Each tree can produce up to 50-60 fruits per season. Harvest is in late winter to early summer when the fruit turns yellow and slightly softens.

Mountain Paw Paw has very few problems. Old trees can be rejuvenated by cutting the trunk back at an angle of 60cm. Mulch the shallow roots and plant two or more to ensure good pollination.

Pollination: Fruit is produced within two years if male and female flowers are present. Male and female flowers may be produced on the same or separate plants. A plant may vary from male to female during the year. Therefore, to ensure pollination plant more than one plant. The white/green waxy flowers are borne in the leaf axils.

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